XML Parsing using simplexml_load_file in PHP

In this article, I will share about parsing XML using php script. On this occasion, the function used is simplexml_load_file. simplexml_load_file is a class that is already contained in the PHP version 5 and later. First, we first create a file with the extension .xml.  You can see an example of a script xml like this:
 filename: books.xml

  <book id="1">
    <title>Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS &amp; HTML5 A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites</title>
    <author>Robin Nixon</author>
    <publisher>O'Reilly Media</publisher>
  <book id="2">
    <title>PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition)</title>
    <author>Luke Welling, Laura Thomson</author>
    <publisher>Addison-Wesley Professional</publisher>
  <book id="3">
    <title>PHP and MySQL for Beginners</title>
    <author>Mark A Lassoff</author>
    <publisher>LearnToProgram, Incorporated</publisher>
  <book id="4">
    <title>PHP Cookbook: Solutions &amp; Examples for PHP Programmers</title>
    <author>David Sklar, Adam Trachtenberg</author>
    <publisher>Addison-Wesley Professional</publisher>

After the code you create, saved with the file name books.xml, on your local server. Next we create the php code like this:

filename: parsing.php

echo "<h1>".$xml->getName()."</h1>";
foreach($xml->children() as $child){
  echo $child->attributes()->id.".<br>";
  echo "<img src=\"".$child->children()->image."\" /><br>";
  echo $child->children()->title."<br>";
  echo "By : ".$child->children()->author."<br>";
  echo "ISBN : ".$child->children()->isbn."<br>";
  echo "Publisher : ".$child->children()->publisher."<br>";
  echo "<a href=\"".$child->children()->url."\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Buy</b></a><br>";
  echo "<hr/>";

Save the code as parsing.php, then run the file parsing.php on your local server.

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